This post gives people a terrific list of USEFUL things to do during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.


by Holly Raby, guest blogger

Spoiler alert- I’m going to reveal one of the latest Facebook games going around!

In past years, women have been asked to update their Facebook status with their bra color, the location of their purse, and other odd statuses in the name of Breast Cancer Awareness.  One of this year’s versions is to post a heart as your status.

This is supposed to promote Breast Cancer awareness.  Can anyone tell me how, since one of the rules of the game is “if anyone asks you why you have a heart as your status, don’t tell them”?  What’s the point?  How does that spread awareness?  And besides, isn’t everyone already aware of Breast Cancer?

How about something more useful?  If you want to do something meaningful for October, do something that will actually help yourself or someone else.  Don’t settle for posting a heart and buying…

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